Mobility Aids That Can Make Your Twilight Years A Breeze

Getting older carries its own set of challenges. Walking and daily movement activities can all be difficult due to muscle weakness and decades of joint wear, even if you don't yet need a wheelchair or scooter. 


Thankfully, there are a variety of assistive devices available, ranging from large base walking sticks to stairlifts. Price being no bar, here are some mobility aids that will make life easier for the elderly in your home.

1. Walking aids

Walking aids will assist you in getting going and staying active. They're sleek, compact, and portable, and they come in a variety of models. 

  • Knee Supports: When you have an issue with your knee, foot, or hip, use knee aids like a walking stick with a large base. You may also use modified walking sticks with a large base to assist with physiotherapy and to bear the strain after a replacement operation.
  • Rollators: Although walking sticks with large bases are ideal, we sometimes need a little extra wheel assistance. Rollators are equipped with wheels, handbrakes, and even a seat that allows the user to take a break while walking. It's perfect for elderly people who get tired quickly.
2. Home mobility aids

These aids are mostly designed to make daily activities easier for the elderly.

  • Lifting Seats: Sitting and standing again can be difficult for elderly people who have arthritis or other joint degenerative diseases. Lifting seats are similar to lifting chairs in and they're less expensive, more compact, and can be fit into any chair or stool. The seats gently recline to assist in both sitting or standing.

  • Stairlift: If you have a floor or two in your residence, it's a great idea to install a stairlift to help your elderly relatives. Curved stairlifts are more versatile than traditional straight stairlifts. You can install acorn 180 curved stairlifts priced at no extra renovation cost & in a variety of stair styles- from limited staircases to others with limited walkway docking.

  • Bathroom accessories: There are numerous options for bathroom assistance. Traipse tubs, straps bars, and bath seats are all possible choices.

 A few minor assistive aids can provide the elderly with more support and freedom in their golden years. It's time to invest in the right assistance for your loved one to make their retirement life easier.


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